The Great Agastya Siddha and His Places of Power

The Great Agastya Siddha and His Places of Power

  Forests, Mountains, Temples, and Caves of Agastya  by Swami Ayyappa Giri Yogini Ashram Initially Published on the New Moon, 16 Jan 2018   Agastya Siddha is loved by Kriya Yoga Sadhaks everywhere, for it is he who is the Guru of the immortal Babaji, the peerless Himalayan Avatar.  There is a long tradition in yoga that the guru of ones guru, when honored, brings the Grace of the lineage into ones life. Shrouded in mystery, the Siddha Agastya is…

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Yoga Practice – Blissful Union of Jiva with Shiva

Yoga Practice – Blissful Union of Jiva with Shiva

Yoga – Truth, Consciousness, Bliss By Swami Ayyappa Giri Yogacharya, Yogini Ashram, California USA It was in 1970, fresh from a coffee house, that I tip-toed into a Yoga meditation and lecture, where dozens of people sat, transfixed on the fascinating discourse of the Guru. The speakers eyes remained closed as a veritable feast of ideas and inspirations emerged. It was Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, a venerated Saiva Siddhanta Yogi from South India. With the shyness of youth, I thought, “Let…

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Yantra Yoga – Union through Mystical Geometry

Yantra Yoga – Union through Mystical Geometry

Yantra Yoga  By Swami Ayyappa Giri Purohit-Acharya, Yogini Ashram, California USA Article Published During Sacred Navaratri, 2016 Then Shiva Mahadev spoke to Parvati, “O Devi, Because it restrains suffering due to desires, anger and karma, it is called Yantra. The Goddess who is worshipped within it, offers Grace to the Tantric”            Kularnava Tantra The academic scholar of Indic studies, might believe that a yantra is an art form and a psychological symbol which addresses the worshippers perceptions…

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Mahavatar Babaji and the Golden Body of Light

Mahavatar Babaji and the Golden Body of Light

Babaji By Swami Ayyappa Giri, Acharya, Yogini Ashram, Norwalk Ca. Article Rewritten and Published on Babaji’s Birthday 30 November 2014   The Emergence of an Avatar Though known secretly by Kriya Yogis for centuries, details of the life and birth of the deathless Mahavatar Babaji were not made public until the late 1940’s, when the saintly Swami Yogananda Paramahamsa was permitted to release a few details of Babaji’s incredible incarnation. Later, the great saint included a chapter about Babaji in his magnus…

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Mantra Yoga – Mystic’s Union through Sacred Sound

Mantra Yoga – Mystic’s Union through Sacred Sound

Mantra Yoga By Swami Ayyappa Giri, Acharya, Yogini Ashram, Norwalk Ca.  Article Published on the Full Moon, 21 May, 2016   Sound lies at the heart of all matter. Mantra Yoga is Divine sound.  Everything in the universe vibrates, and except for the vacuum of space, vibration generates the transmission of sound as well. We learn in Yoga that sound emerging from the God essence is indeed the Word of God. Divine vibrations produced by the voice of a soul…

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Siddhis -How the Great Masters Attain Miraculous Yogic Powers

Siddhis -How the Great Masters Attain Miraculous Yogic Powers

Siddhis By Swami Ayyappa Giri, Acharya, Yogini Ashram Published on 13 March 2016 The mysterious powers (siddhis) attained through the practices of Kriya Tantra Yoga result from a mastery of the elemental principles, and are rightly veiled in the writings of the Siddhas using a unique expression of intentional obscurity embedded within the sacred texts. This veiled language is referred to as sandhabhasa. The arcane expression is justified, not only because those who wield the sword of power can themselves be cut…

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Dattatreya – Pilgrimage to the Birthplace of the Juna Akhara

Dattatreya – Pilgrimage to the Birthplace of the Juna Akhara

BY SWAMI AYYAPPA GIRI, Acharya, Yogini Ashram Central India’s Great Seat of Grace and Power The village of Mahur, birthplace of Dattatreya, stands as a lone sentry for dharma at the border of Maharastra and Telegana. It serves as a beacon of Shakti, Unity consciousness and grace-light. Remote and accessible only through a land route, one takes an overnight train from Hyderabad followed by a somewhat perilous bus ride through the winding roads of a small mountain range forested with…

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5 Shiva Shrines Leading to Mastery of the Elements

5 Shiva Shrines Leading to Mastery of the Elements

Pancha Bhoota Sthalam By Swami Ayyappa Giri, Acharya, Yogini Ashram, Norwalk Ca. Article Published on New Moon 11 November 2015   “The peerless Lord of the Siddhas, Maha Yogi Shiva, is rightly venerated as the quintessential master of the elemental energies. His five colossal Bhoota temples, though impressive, do not easily reveal their omnipotence as portals to other realms except to those who fully commit to the dharma. Sadhana, surrender and cultivation of unconditional love will reveal his elemental mysteries and lay…

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Kriya Technique -The Science of Trance and Transformation

Kriya Technique -The Science of Trance and Transformation

Kriya Technique By Swami Ayyappa Giri Yogacharya, Yogini Ashram, Norwalk Ca. Article Published on Full Moon, 1 June, 2015  “Course the breath through the Idakala and Pinkala channels while seated comfortably in the proper posture, and direct the breath blissfully within; From the root at the base of the spine, direct the energy upward. Verily may you see the feet of the Lord that is timeless eternity.”                                                                               (Tirumandhiram- verse 2173) Just as veins of gold lead to the mother lode,…

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How the Ancient Mother Goddesses Elevate and Transform Consciousness

How the Ancient Mother Goddesses Elevate and Transform Consciousness

Written By Swami Ayyappa Giri There was once a classic battle between good and evil, from which the ancient Sapta Matrika goddess mothers emerged victorious. It represents the ageless conflict between the forces of darkness and the towering motive within us that yearns for the highest light of truth. Internally, the battle reflects the soul’s struggle to be free from karma, maya, and the limitations of human ego. Triumph over these limiting influences, and deliverance from illusions of identity with the…

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