Tantra Breath of Bliss By Swami Ayyappa Giri, Tantracharya, Yogini Ashram, Norwalk Ca. Article Rewritten and Published on 4 December 2014 “In the copulatory yoga that is practiced By the Hero and Heroine Upward they drive the coach of breath That has its wheels in regions right and left; There they collect the waters of the heaven And never the organs tiring know.” Thirumantaram V 827 …
Kamakya Temple – The Greatest Vortex of Shakti Energy By Swami Ayyappa Giri, Tantracharya, Yogini Ashram, Norwalk Ca. Article First Posted on New Moon, 25 Aug 2014 Festival time at the Kamakhya Temple draws a variety of tantrics and tantric clans (kulas) from the region, many clad in crimson and black. Pilgrims and shakti devotees of every stripe arrive mostly from India’s northeast frontier and West Bengal. Souls from throughout India are mixed with a sprinkling of tantrics and Shakti devotees…
Live online & on-demand with replay 8 Sundays June 25th – August 20th (no class on August 6th) 10:00am – 11:00am PST Tuition $180.00 A small group of ancient Mother-Goddesses, known as the Ashta Matrikas, have emerged from deep tantric history – possibly as early as 2000-3000 BCE. These Goddesses became a standard feature in temples throughout India by the 9th century. Each of the Ashta Matrikas (8 Mothers) hold potency of the primary male deity partners along with…